Anderson County


Education Offerings in Anderson County

Anderson County Conservation District

  • Classroom visits

  • Junior Conservation Board (grades 7-12)

  • Contact Beverly McElwain: or 502-604-3685

“The Classroom Sponsorship Kits are amazing! My board purchased the intermediate kit for me a few years ago, and I have used it multiple times in private and homeschool settings. The virtual field trips with the passports are fun and engaging--the students love them! They also love Bushels or Bust and CA$H COW. I'll be playing the Water Cycle Game twice later this month; it's one of my personal favorites. These interactive, hands-on activities help them learn without even realizing it!”

Farms in anderson county


Seven Stones Farm 

Seven Stones Farm is a family enterprise originally founded to grow tobacco, but they have recently switched to growing hemp, which they sell directly to CBD product producers.

Seven Stones also raises beef cattle.  With family and community being a major part of this farm, everything they do is on the basis of “quality over quantity.” 


Rough Draft Farmstead  

Certified organic and based on no-till farming methods, Rough Draft is a family farm built on sustainability and safety. 

Growing a variety of vegetables and raising livestock such as chickens, the Rough Draft family lives on a lot of what they produce, and mostly sells to their community in central Kentucky. 

This is called “Community Supported Agriculture,” or CSA. “This is the food we feed our family, we are honored to share it with yours,” say Jessie and Hannah, the heads of the RD family.

If you would like your farm featured on this page, please email us a photo and a short description at

Eden ElwellA